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Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it?

Isaiah 43:18,19 (MSG)


Embrace your today and empower your tomorrow!

This is a phrase my Women’s Pastor said to me and I thought, WOW that’s great! Living in the present and yet making plans to live out our dreams can be confusing and complicated when life threatens to suffocate our God-given design and purpose. Sometimes we need a little help from someone to come alongside of us and nudge us in the right direction and to help us get out of our head all the thoughts that are swirling around so that we can make a plan.


Personal Life Coaching is all about helping you do just that – helping you to discover how to empower your tomorrow while yet embracing your present everyday realities. Life coaching is different than counseling, it is a valuable relationship that helps you discover what you need to do in order to move forward from a place of transition or just because you need a jumpstart.

Download Discovering Coaching Questionaire
Image by Heather Ford
Coaching Option 1

6-8 Coaching Sessions to help you flourish and tailored for your needs.

Image by Arthur Miranda
Coaching Option 2

4-6 Coaching Sessions for ministry consulting and personal leadership development.

Image by Mateus Campos Felipe
Coaching Option 3

Custom packages to help you design a personalized effective book launch, run a Facebook Private Group Book or Study, and more!

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