​Broken messy, imperfect women like Jael, Rahab, Ruth, and others surrendered their fears and questions to God, and history was changed. Walk with Cynthia through the lives of these everyday women in the Bible who chose to believe God and used their ordinary life for extraordinary influence.

​Real truth for real women. Audiences will learn What is God’s Truth and What do I Believe?, Why Truth Matters – Consequences for Living in the Gray, and Why Truth Matters in a Crisis.

​Discover from the Bible how to—Dare to ASK, Dare to BELIEVE, Dare to be MISUNDERSTOOD, Dare to DREAM, and Dare to FORGIVE.

Using the good kings of Judah who followed God despite adversity, Cynthia brings a message based on her latest Bible Study from Moody Publishers, The Godly Kings of Judah: Faithful Living for Lasting Influence. Audiences will walk away with understanding how our decisions we make today impact our legacy tomorrow.
Cynthia Speaking & Interviews
Cynthia Speaking & Interviews

Cynthia Cavanaugh - Staying Anchored in a Storm

Babbie's House with Cynthia Cavanaugh(#1120)
Anchored: Leading through the Storms

Jacqueline Welsh
Former Vice President,
Focus on the Family Canada
Humility, tenderness and humor mark Cynthia’s connection with women. As someone who has been where many women are, Cynthia’s own story communicates with women on a deeply personal level—-a level women resonate with.
Janet Thiessen
Pastor of Women, North Langley Community Church
Cynthia is the “real deal.” Through the scriptures, she showed me I am not alone in my struggles. We all need to develop deeper, more authentic relationships, not only with family and friends but with Jesus. Her honest and open approach allowed us to go deeper into our lives and ask God to reveal the issues we still on to. Thank you!